Buscemi Bot

JS, Discord


Steve Buscemi is a famous actor from such works as Reservoir Dogs and Boardwalk Empire (not that I've seen either).

As such, his body of work is vast. So using that data (supplied from the MovieDB API), I made a bot that pretends to be Steve Buscemi.

It was done purely for fun and to learn how to make a discord bot.

The bot could perform commands like getting a random film, trailer, or video clip featuring Steve Buscemi himself.

Buscemi bot shows a film poster and description of a random film featuring Steve Buscemi.
Buscemi bot shows a trailer of a random film featuring Steve Buscemi.
Buscemi bot shows a video clip of a random film featuring Steve Buscemi.

Of course, the bot could also reply to messages with the appropriate Steve Buscemi quote.

Buscemi bot replies to a message with a Steve Buscemi quote.

Steve Buscemi Strikes Back!

Before being able to finish publishing the bot for others to use, I unfortunately received a takedown notice for the bot from MovieDB. Steve Buscemi did not like me using his likeness in a such a confined simulacrum. So, I had to take it down.

A takedown request for the Buscemi bot